MEGA-CORPS FORCES: Dyazon corporation has intercepted a communiqué that states that Tirone Shalees, commander of the N.A.S.C. forces, is to be present at a bunker located in the Spirit river settlement region. Your team has been assigned to destroy the bunker and kill the famed N.A.S.C. general. Mitsu-Gen-Dalvo high command is certain that without his leadership the N.A.S.C. forces will collapse. NORTH ATLANTIC SOCIALIST CONCORDAT FORCES: Tirone Shalees has been using a small bunker in the Spirit river settlement region to co-ordinate attacks. He uses the bunker when the Mega-Corps jamming frequencies become to strong to broadcast from orbit. It has just been reported that a Mega-Corps Planet Runner battalion is on route to the bunker. While Tirone Shalees is not present at the bunker, valuable information still has to be downloaded to the command ship. You are ordered to go on an immediate drop to the planets surface and defend the bunker.~